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North Korea A Population In Transition



North Korea: A Population in Transition

Current Population and Life Expectancy

As of 2024, North Korea has a population of approximately 26,243,761, with a population density of 19,954 people per square kilometer. The life expectancy at birth is estimated to be around 69.81 years.

Population Growth and Projections

In 1980, the North Korean population experienced a period of growth, but in recent decades, the population growth rate has slowed down. Projections indicate that the population will reach its peak in 2037, with a population of 26.87 million people.

Historical Population Trends

North Korea's population has undergone significant changes over the years. In 1961, the population stood at 10.9 million. The growth rate has fluctuated over time, and in the 1980s, the population experienced a period of stagnation.

Demographic Challenges

North Korea faces a number of demographic challenges, including a rapidly aging population and a low birth rate. These challenges are likely to have significant implications for the country's economy and society in the coming years.

Live Population Charts and Trends

To stay up-to-date on the latest population statistics and trends, you can access live population charts and other data sources online.


